Associate a User to a Site
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An administrator can assign user accounts to a study and sites or individual sites within a study when maintaining or creating a User account.  


Note: iMedidata linked studies and sites can only be assigned in iMedidata. You can click the Sites drill down icon in the Studies section of the User Details page to view the sites associated with the iMedidata study.

To assign a user to a site within a study

  1. Click the User Administration module on the Home page.

  2. Locate a user to be associated with a site and click the drill down button to navigate to the user's profile.  See Filtering and Selecting Users.

  1. If there is no study (s) assigned to the user, assign a study (s).  See Assign a User to a Study for more information.

  2. Select a Study and click the drill down button for Sites.



A list of available sites for the study will appear.



  1. Check box Select All to select all sites for the Study or check box each individual site.

  2. Click Update to save your changes.

The system will assign the site (s) to the User Account.



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