Custom Parameters

The Custom Parameters page in the Report Administration module is used to define Custom parameters. On this page, a user can add, delete, or edit a custom parameter.  Any changes to the custom parameter displays in the Report Parameters table on the Report Maintenance page.


Access to the Custom Parameters page is restricted to users who belong to the User Group ReportAdminCustomParameters.


To view custom parameters


  1. Navigate to the Report Administration main page from the list of installed modules on the Home page.

  2. Select Custom Parameters from the left navigational pane on the Report Administration main page.

The Custom Parameters page displays. it displays all custom shared parameters that have been defined for the installation, based on the user's pagination preferences.




The custom parameters page displays the following columns as defined in the Parameter Definition Control:


Note: This column is only populated if the parameter is of Type List.


You can do any of the following on the Custom Parameters page



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