Search for Queries
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Users can search on queries from the Query Management page.  

You can do any of the following on the Query Management main page

To perform an advanced search for a query

  1. Select Query Management from the list of Installed Modules on the Home Page. Query Management main page will appear.



  1. To perform an advanced search for a query, select information in the search list provided for each search criteria. Tab to move from one search text box to another to select information.



  1. Click Search  to execute the search.

  2. The system will display information on the following in the Search Results section:




If the system finds no results, it will display an error message.


Note: Users with permission to view a particular eCRF will see the form displayed as a link in the search results. Navigate to the eCRF by clicking this link. To return to the Query Search screen in Query Management, click Go Back to Query Management on the eCRF. You will not lose the search parameters and the search will refresh. See Forward Queries for more information.

To search for query by Query ID

  1. In the Exact Search section, enter a Query ID in the text box.  

  2. Click the Search icon .

The system will display information based on the Query ID.




 To forward a Query to a Marking group, see Forward Queries.





 Copyright © 2010 Medidata Solutions, Inc. All rights reserved.  

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