Email Alert
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Feature that is available only when turned ON in Rave, Email Alert allows a user to create and configure email alerts to be sent to specific EDC roles, such as CRA, CRC, PI, DM, and others to take action and follow-up on an email event specified in the alert.


Event conditions that can be configured to trigger email alerts for follow-up include:


To send an email alert to a subject's Investigator, Primary Escalation contact and Secondary Escalation contact, the following conditions must be met:



You must have Architect Stage 1 Setup security role permission to view and work in Email Alert Configuration.


  1. Navigate to the Draft Details page in Architect.

  2. Click Email Alert from the list of Draft Items. The link is available only when the feature is turned ON.

The Email Alert page appears.



You can do the following on the Email Event Configuration page





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