Configuration Settings for Migration Plan
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A user executing a Migration Plan in Amendment Manager in Architect can modify certain local settings for the specific migration plan even if these settings are set at the global level.


Note:The global configuration settings are set in the Configuration module.



You can override or set the following local configuration options:


  1. Events that cause Amendment Manager to break the signature on a form, folder, or subject. See Configure Signature Breaking Events.

  2. Derivation - When Delete data when derivation removed is checked, the system deletes derived data when its associated derivation is deleted.

  3. Object Hierarchy - When Rename Duplicate Repeats is checked, the system changes the repeat number of duplicate folders and forms in the moved object, to ensure uniqueness during Object Hierarchy processing. When unchecked and Rave encounters duplicate folders and forms, the repeat number stays the same, resulting in the folders and forms in the Target with the same repeat numbers. See Object Hierarchy.

  4. Error Handling - A number entered in the Number of Subjects in Error to stop the job text box to indicate how many errors in subject data should be ignored by the system before the migration job stops. Maximum is 999 characters.

  5. Error Handling - When Log when edit checks fail and continue the migration is checked, the system logs failed edit checks and continues the migration job without interruption.

  1. Click Update to save your settings.

The system saves the override settings per migration plan.


Note: When a migration job is in progress based on a plan, the configuration settings for that plan will remain frozen for the duration of the job and cannot be altered.


Configure Signature Breaking Events

You can set certain events to cause Amendment Manager to break a signature on a form, folder, or subject. These event settings are available globally in Rave Configuration and can be overridden per Migration plan in Amendment Manager.


Note: If a data point falls under any eSigPage, eSigFolder, and eSigSubject field signatures, the signatures will break if any of the selected events are triggered for any underlying data point.


The following table is a description of the events, when set to True (checked), will cause the signature to break on a form.


Signature Breaking Events

CRF Migration Action when set to True (checked)

Field Deleted

Any signature on the form will break if a field is deleted in the Target version as a result of migration.

Field Label Changed

Any signature on a data point will break if a field label is changed in the Target version.

Data Changed for a Non-Dictionary Field

Any signature on a data point will break if the field is not associated with a data dictionary and the data point value is changed as a result of migration.

Data Dictionary Code Changed

Any signature on a data point will break if the data point is associated with a data dictionary entry code prior to the migration, and the code for the dictionary is changed or re-mapped in the target version.


For example, if the data dictionary entry code value "M-Male" (where M is the code and Male is the user string) prior to migration is changed to 1-Male in the target version, the signature will break if this event is set to True (checked).

Data Dictionary String Changed

Any signature on a data point will break if the data point is associated with a data dictionary entry code prior to the migration, and the user string for the dictionary entry is changed or re-mapped in the target version.


For example, if the data dictionary entry code value "M-Male" (where M is the code and Male is the user string) prior to migration is changed to M-Boy in the target version, the signature will break if this event is set to True (checked).

Unit Dictionary Code Changed

Any signature on a data point will break if the data point is associated with a unit dictionary and the unit dictionary entry coded unit for the data point is changed in the target version.

Unit Dictionary String Changed

Any signature on a data point will break if the data point is associated with a unit dictionary and the unit dictionary entry user string for the data point is changed in the target version.

Field Visibility Changed

Any signature on a data point will break if the IsVisible property for the field is changed as a result of the migration.

Data Conformance Status Changed

Any signature on a data point will break if the data point was conformant prior to migration, and is set to non-conformant as a result of the migration.






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