Edit a Custom Report

To edit a custom report

  1. Select a custom report on the Report Manager page.

  2. Click the Maintenance icon for the Report to navigate to the Report Maintenance page.

The Report Maintenance page for the report will appear.



  1. Deactivate an active report (if required) or reactivate a previously deactivated report (if required).


Note: If user saved variations are defined for an active report, they are deactivated or reactivated when deactivating or reactivating a custom report.  This ensures that they are made inaccessible or accessible to the user on the My Report Selection page in the Rave Reporter module.


  1. Uncheck the Encrypt Parameters check box if checked (Optional).

  2. Make changes to the Header section as required.

  3. Navigate to the Study Assignment page and in the Study Filter, select or deselect studies from the list of studies.  

  4. Select parameter (s) that you want to edit in the Report Parameters table.

  5. Click drill down icon for the parameter.

The parameter fields will display in edit mode.



  1. Fields that are uneditable will appear grayed out. The following three fields: Local Prompt, Required, and Selection Style will always be editable.



  1. Edit other fields (as required).

  2. Click Save to save the changes for the Report or click Cancel to discard your changes and start over.

  3. When editing is complete, click Save All Changes  to save the changes to the report before exiting the Report Maintenance. The system confirms the updated report configuration. If there are no errors, the system saves the data for the report and displays the updated report on the Report Manager page.



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