Add Local Parameter

A Local Parameter is local to the specific report and cannot be shared across reports.  It can be defined via the Report Parameter Definition control on the Report Maintenance page. Fields that display in this control dynamically change depending on the users selection in the various fields.  For a complete list of parameter definitions, please see Related Topics.


Note: Defining a local parameter on the Report Maintenance page is very similar to defining a shared parameter on the Custom Parameters page.

To add a local parameter

  1. Navigate to the Report Maintenance page for a custom report by selecting for the report on the Report Manager page.


The Report Maintenance page will display list of Report Parameters (if any) for the Report and an option to Add Local Parameter.



  1. Click the Add Local Parameter link .

The system will display the Report Parameter Definition section below the Report Parameters table.



  1. Enter information in the following fields (as required):



Note:When creating a custom report, you can choose not to include standard parameters (study, Site and/or Subject) and yet have the report assigned to EDC via the Reports Matrix page and executed from EDC. You can do this by indicating what the newly defined parameter's EDC Equivalence is (if required) in the EDC equivalence field. EDC Equivalence is predefined and cannot be changed for Standard Parameters. They must be unique at the Report level.



  1. Click Save   to add the local parameter or click Cancel to discard your changes.

The system will confirm that the Parameter definitions have been appropriately entered.  

If all information is correct, the system will save the parameter and display it in the Report Parameters table. If any of the information is incorrect, the system will display errors as appropriate.


Note: You must click Save All Changes on the Report Maintenance page prior to exiting the page.  All modifications to the Report Configuration will be lost if you fail to save your changes. A pop up message will alert you to unsaved modifications before proceeding to exit.



Related Topics



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