The following icons are used throughout the EDC Module:
Status Icons |
Never Touched |
Answered Query |
Incomplete |
Requires Verification |
Non-Conformant |
Requires Review |
Complete |
Entry Lock |
Overdue |
Locked |
Inactive |
Requires Translation |
Requires Coding |
Requires Signature |
Query Open |
Requires Coder Coding |
Installed Modules |
Architect |
User Administration |
Site Administration |
Reporter |
Global Library |
Report Administration |
Lab Administration |
Configuration |
Translation Workbench |
PDF Generator |
Query Management |
Welcome Message |
Home Page/Global Icons |
Message |
Help |
Logout |
My Profile |
Home |
EDC Module Icons |
CRF blank form |
Folder |
Folder not available to user |
Subject |
Site Group |
Site |
Study |
Studies |
Labs |
Lab Maintenance |
CRF Icons |
Verify |
Entry Locked (Freeze) |
Review |
Data Lock (Hard lock) |
Marking |
Protocol Deviation |
Task Summary Pop Up |
Comments |
Sticky Note |
Out of Range High |
Alert High |
Out of Range Low |
Alert Low |
Open Query |
Answered Query |
Edit |
Edit not available |
Data has changed |
Forms |
CRF never touched |
CRF is incomplete |
CRF is non-conformant |
CRF is complete |
CRF has one or more open queries |
CRF has one or more answered queries |
CRF requires verification |
CRF requires review |
CRF is entry locked |
CRF is locked |
CRF is inactive |
CRF requires translation |
CRF requires coding |
CRF is overdue |
CRF requires signature |
Form is waiting for First Pass Data Entry |
Form requires Second Pass Data Entry |
Form requires Reconciliation |
Folders |
Folder never touched |
Folders contains at least one form that has incomplete data |
Folder contains at least one form that has one or more non-conformant fields |
Folder contains at least one form that has completed fields |
Folder contains at least one form that has one or more fields with open queries |
Folder contains at least one form that has one or more fields with answered queries |
Folder contains at least one form that has one or more fields that requires review |
Folder contains at least one form that has one or more fields that requires verification |
Folder contains at least one form that has one or more entry-locked fields |
Folder contains at least one form that has one or more locked fields |
Folder contains at least one form that has one or more inactive fields |
Folder contains at least one form that has one or more fields that require translation |
Folder contains at least one form that has one or more fields that requires coding |
Folder contains at least one form that has one or more fields that are overdue for data entry |
Folder contains at least one form that has one or more fields that require signature |
Folders not available to the user |
Folder never touched, not available to the user |
Folder with incomplete data, not available to the user |
Folder with non-conformant data, not available to the user |
Folder with completed data, not available to the user |
Folder with open queries, not available to the user |
Folder with answered queries, not available to the user |
Folder with forms that require verification, not available to the user |
Folder with forms that require review, not available to the user |
Folder with forms with entry-locked fields, not available to the user |
Folder contains at least one form that has one ore more locked fields, not available to the user |
Folder contains at least one form that has one or more inactive fields, not available to the user |
Folder contains at least one form that has one or more fields that require translation, not available to the user |
Folder contains at least one form that has one or more fields that requires coding, not available to the user |
Folder contains at least one form that has one or more fields that are overdue for data entry, not available to the user |
Folder contains at least one form that has one or more fields that require signature, not available to the user |
Subject |
Subject never touched |
Subject has incomplete data |
Subject has non-conformant data |
Subject has completed data |
Subject has open queries |
Subject has answered queries |
Subject has data that requires verification |
Subject has data that requires review |
Subject has entry locked fields |
Subject has locked data |
Subject has inactive data |
Subject has data that requires coding |
Subject has data that is overdue for data entry |
Subject has data that requires translation |
Subject has data that requires signature |
Subject has "in doubt" status |
Site |
Site is empty |
Site has incomplete data |
Site has non-conformant data |
Site has completed data |
Site has open queries |
Site has answered queries |
Site has data that requires verification |
Site has data that requires review |
Site has entry-locked data |
Site has locked data |
Site has inactive data |
Site has data that requires coding |
Site has data that is overdue for data entry |
Site has data that requires translation |
Site has data that requires signature |
Site has unknown status. Status calculation has been deferred to the background. |
Site Groups |
Site Group is empty |
Site Group has incomplete data |
Site Group has non-conformant data |
Site Group has completed data |
Site Group has open queries |
Site Group has answered queries |
Site Group has data that requires verification |
Site Group has data that requires review |
Site Group has entry-locked data |
Site Group has locked data |
Site Group has inactive data |
Site Group has data that requires coding |
Site Group has data that is overdue for data entry |
Site Group has data that requires translation |
Site Group has data that requires signature |
Study |
Study is blank |
Study has incomplete data |
Study has non-conformant data |
Study has completed data |
Study has open queries |
Study has answered queries |
Study has data that requires verification |
Study has data that requires review |
Study has entry-locked data |
Study has locked data |
Study has inactive data |
Study has data that requires coding |
Study has data is overdue for data entry |
Study has data that requires translation |
Study has data that requires signature |
Study has unknown status. Status calculation has been deferred to the background. |
Studies |
At least one study is blank |
At least one study has incomplete data |
At least one study has non-conformant data |
At least one study has completed data |
At least one study has open queries |
At least one study has answered queries |
At least one study has data that requires verification |
At least one study has data that requires review |
At least one study has entry-locked data |
At least one study has locked data |
At least one study has inactive data |
At least one study requires coding |
At least one study is overdue for data entry |
At least one study requires translation |
At least one study requires signature |
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