Assigning Report Parameters
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When you run a report in EDC, Rave may direct you to the Reports Prompts page to enter parameters for the report prior to displaying the report only if:



Parameters for each standard report are different. The parameters have filtering criteria that tell the system what data to fetch and display in the resulting report.  On the report prompts page, depending on what report you are running, the system may prompt you to specify the missing parameters that increase or decrease the granularity of the resulting data in your report.



  1. Select a report to view.

  2. Enter or select missing parameters on the Report Prompts page. Required parameters are shown in Bold.

  3. Click the right arrow next to the parameter to expand the list of options available.

  1. Enter full or partial text in the search field and click search or click revert to return to the complete list to search for a parameter option.

  1. Clickto confirm your selection. The system accepts the selection and disables all other selection options.



  1. To see your selection options again, select .  

  2. You can narrow down the rest of the parameters for the report by selecting the right arrow next to the parameter. When you drill down to the next level, the system retrieves items for that level that are associated with the items selected in the previous level.

  1. Click Submit Report.




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