Adding Labs
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You can create Local labs on the form page or from the site page if you have the Lab Maintenance permission.


  1. Navigate to a Study > Site > Subject > A Lab form.

  2. Select Add New from the Lab dropdown.



  1. Click Add New Lab on the lab page.



  1. Select a Lab Type from the drop down. Local Lab is selected by default.



  1. Enter a lab Name. This must be a unique name for the site within the study. The Lab Name must contain a minimum of 1 alphanumeric and a maximum of 80 alphanumeric characters.


Note: You cannot name a local lab Units Only.  This name is unique to Rave and is reserved for the purpose of collecting units on the eCRF.


  1. (Optional) Enter a Description.

  2. Select a Range Type from the dropdown.

  3. Ranges Approved is selected by default. When selected, it indicates that the local lab has been approved by a Lab Administrator. If you make any change to a lab range, or add a new range, the approved flag for the lab is set to unapproved. You can deselect Ranges Approved in Edit mode.

  1. Click Update.







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