To enable users to retest edit checks or derivations whose folder-form configuration may have changed in the target from what it is in the source when copying them using the Global Library wizard, a search filter on the Edit Checks or the Derivations pages will allow a user to exclusively filter edit checks or derivations that have been copied using the Global Library wizard.
Note: This search option will ONLY display on the Edit Checks or Derivations page when there are edit checks or derivations that have been copied using the Global Library.
Select and navigate to the Edit Checks page (discussed here) or the Derivations page for a CRF Draft.
The Edit Checks page will appear with all available edit checks.
A Search Filter will show the following search options in a drop down list:
All - This is the default option. When selected, the search result will display edit checks or derivations that need retesting as well as those that do not need retesting.
Copied, Does not need Retesting - When selected, the search result will display edit checks or derivations that do not have changes to the folder-form configuration between the source and the target.
Copied, Needs Retesting - When selected, will list all edit checks or derivations that have mismatches to the folder-form configuration between the source and the target. These edit checks may be marked with a delta.
Not Copied - When selected, the search result will display edit checks or derivations that were not created by the Global Library wizard.
Select an option from the drop down list. In this example, "Copied, Does Not Need Retesting".
The page will refresh and display the edit checks that belong to the selected category.
Note: The Search function can be used to search for edit checks or derivations that were not created in the Global Library. When this search function is used in place of the Search Filter (to locate Edit Checks that were Not Copied), the Filter control will not display.
When searching for Edit checks or Derivations that are Copied, Needs Retesting, a right or left delta will display on the icon to the left of the edit check or derivation in the Search Results. A tooltip for the icon will indicate a possible retesting reason, such as:
Possible issues in matrix environments of the following forms: XXXX, YYYY
References the following custom functions: XXXX, YYYY
Uses wildcarded form references
Contains AddMatrix or MergeMatrix actions
Both Source and target have been changed since the time of copy
Source has been changed since the time of copy
Target has been changed since the time of copy
The following table describes the set of rules that determine when an edit check or derivation should be retested:
Retesting Scenario |
Retest |
Edit Checks or Derivations created by a Global Library Wizard Copy |
Yes |
Edit Check or Derivation shows a Delta |
Yes |
Edit Check or Derivation has changed, and/or whose source has changed since the time of copy |
Yes |
Target has changed since the time of copy |
Yes |
Edit Check or Derivation contains AddMatrix, MergeMatric, or OldMergeMatrix actions |
Yes |
Edit Check or Derivation references custom functions |
Yes |
Edit Check or Derivation uses wildcarded form references |
Yes |
An Edit Check or Derivation has a Step or Action that specifies both a Folder and a Form. When comparing the form's matrix location between the source and the target, the location of the form in the source does not match the location of the form in the target. |
Yes |
An Edit Check has an "Add Form" action. When comparing the location of the target form's matrix location to the location of the form specified in the target, the location of the form in the source does not match the location of the form in the target. |
Yes |
An Edit Check or Derivation has a Step or an Action with a wildcarded folder and a specified form. When comparing the location of the form in the source to the location of the form in the target, the location of the form in the source does not match the location of the form in the target. |
Yes |
An Edit Check or Derivation does not reference specific folders (only wilcarded), contains up to a single form and, does not contain an "Add Form" Action. When comparing the location of the form in the source to the location of the form in the target, the location of the form in the source does not match the location of the form in the target. |
No |
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