Migration Execution Process
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At the end of the migration planning process, when there are zero errors for a migration plan, and there is at least one subject in the CRF, the user with Amendment Manager Execute Aux and Amendment Manager Execute Prod security role permission can execute the migration plan in their respective environment.

Best Practice

You can do the following on the Migration Execution Page

Dry Run or Execute a Migration Plan

  1. At the end of the migration planning process, click the Execute Plan link in the list of Amendment Manager items on the left navigation pane to execute the migration for the saved plan.

  1. On the Execute Plan page, select a Migration Mode radio button: Dry Run or Migration.

  1. (Optional) If you select Dry Run, you must also select a target environment from the select a target environment drop down list. This option is not available for a migration in a live environment.

  1. (Required) In the Selected Subjects section of the page, select the following from the drop down options:

  1. (Required) If the subject name is known, enter subject name in the Subject text box and click Search . If there is a match, the subject appears in a Subject selection box. The Subject selection box shows a count of active subjects and a number of available subjects in the selected site. For example, 1 of 2 subjects.


  1. Select a subject and click Add Subject to add to the list of subjects to add to the migration plan. Or use the keyboard Control + click to select multiple subjects in the Subject selection box. As subjects are added, they are removed from the Subject selection box and added to a subject grid.

Note: Pagination appears for selections greater than 10 lines per page setting as set in the user's My Profile page.

  1. (Optional) Click Cancel to close the Subject selection box without selecting any subjects.



  1. (Optional) To add subjects without having to select them manually, select All.



  1. Click Migrate to run the migration job immediately or you may schedule the job to run at a predefined time.


The system processes a migration taking three subjects at a time. It takes subject data from the original CRF version and migrates its data to the new Target version. All data points for the selected subjects are updated as per mapping rules saved against the migration plan. The system logs all errors in the database. See Mapping Objects for information on how the system updates the data points as per mapping rules saved in the plan.

Note: When a subject is being migrated, the subject will not be available to the EDC user. Likewise, the subject will not be available in Reports when they are being migrated.

At the end of the migration process, if the migration job is scheduled in the past or the Start Date and the End Date are left blank in the Migration Scheduler section, a confirmation message reads: Your job is submitted. Your confirmation number is:<Number> (Scheduled to run from now to Finish)



  1. Click Migration Results in the list of Amendment Manager items on the left navigation pane to view details and reports of the migration.


Migration Scheduler

Note: A schedule cannot be added to a completed job.

  1. (Optional) To run a migration job according to a predefined schedule, for either a Dry Run or a Production migration, enter the following information in the Migration Scheduler section on the Execute Plan page.



  1. Click Add Schedule .  

See Schedule Migration to learn more about scheduling a migration using the Scheduler.

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