Accessing Reports in Rave Reporter
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Authorized users have Rave Reporter Module listed in the list of Installed Modules on the home page. 

To go to the My Reports page


  1. Click the Reporter module in the list of Installed Modules on the home page.



The My Reports page displays all reports that are available to you.


  1. Narrow down the list by using the Report filter on the top of the page.

  1. Click Search to filter the list of reports by report Name and Report Type

Note: The availability of reports in the list is dependent on your report assignments.

To run any report listed on the page


The system directs you to the Report Parameters page for the report where you can specify the report parameters and run the report.

To view Help for Reports

To learn more about running Standard Reports or to create a user saved variation of a report, see Related Topics.



Related Topics


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