The Migration Results page shows detailed error messages on a per subject basis and contains information of the migration status, the subject name, and the error message. Report links are available for the Subject Compare Report, the Subject CRF Version Report, Check Error Report, and the Migration Audit Trail Report on the Migration Results Details page.
Select a project on the Architect main page and navigate to the Project main page.
Select Amendment Manager in the left pane.
Select Migration Results in the left pane.
If there are errors, the count of errors that may have occurred displays a link Migration Job xx produced x error (s). Click the link to access the Migration Details page.
Alternatively, click View Details and Reports to access the Migration Details page.
The page displays the following information on the migration result details:
Job ID - system generated number for the migration job
Job Status - Status: Scheduled, Complete, Paused, or In Process
Run Type - Migration Run Type: Migration, Dry Run Migration, Publish Checks
User - Name of Rave user who ran the migration job
Start Time - Date and time the migration job started
End Time - Date and time the migration job ended
Source CRF - Source CRF for the migration job
Target CRF - Target CRF for the migration job
Subjects Migrated - Number of subjects that have successfully migrated for the job. This number updates dynamically.
Subjects Failed - Number of subjects that have failed the job. This number updates dynamically.
Subjects Total - Total number of subjects selected for the migration job. This number updates dynamically.
The total number of subjects that have errors displays in a results grid and displays the following information:
Subject Name - list of subjects for the migration job. The subjects are sorted alphabetically. The column is sortable.
Subject Status - status of Success, Failed, In Process, and Not Started. The column is sortable.
System Error - detailed system generated error message for each subject that produced an error during the migration.
Check Error Count - total number of errors in edit checks that were generated during a Publish Checks operation for that subject.
Note: The Check Error Count column is only populated if the 'Log when edit checks fail and continue the migration' in the Configuration Plan setting is TRUE.
Report links are available for the Subject Compare Report, the Subject CRF Version Report, Check Error Report, and the Migration Audit Trail Report on the Migration Results Details page. Only subjects that are selected are included in the reports.
Note: The Subject Compare Report only shows for Dry Run Migrations. The Check Error Report only displays if there is at least one edit check error for at least one subject.
(Optional) Enter Subject Name in the Subject text field to search for Subjects by name.
(Optional) To filter by subject migration status, select a subject migration status of Success, Failed, In Process, and Not Started from the Show Only drop down list.
Click Search .
The total number of subjects display based on the selected criteria.
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