Delete Elements Rule
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Syntax Rules

The system checks the following Syntax Rules when a Delete Elements rule is created and the page is saved. An error message displays if a syntax rule does not meet requirements and the rule is not saved:


syntax rule for DELete action


[Subject] delete is not allowed.

A folder or form path must exist.

If Matrix is undeclared, syntax Folder:* or [Subject]/Folder:* cannot be deleted.

Folder:* or [Subject]/Folder:*

If Matrix is undeclared, syntax Form:* or [Subject]/Form:* cannot be deleted.

Form:* or [Subject]/Form:*


Elements with global variables cannot be deleted

Folder:Lab (A)


Delete Elements Behavior

The following behavior holds true for a Delete Elements rule:




Rule uses fully qualified path in delete action

Indicates use of drop down selection of [Subject]. A fully qualified path specifies the exact location in the hierarchy to the [Subject] and deletes only the last element. [Subject] indicates the subject level or the root of the hierarchical path.

Rule uses relative path in delete action

When [Subject] is not used, the first element of the path is matched against all possible parents and when the path is found during migration, the last element is deleted, including its children.

Rule uses Delete Only if Last Element is Empty

Deletes subject data only from the last folder or form that is empty. If this condition is not met, there is no error

Rule uses Delete Even if Last Element has Data

Deletes subject data even if the last folder or form has data. If this condition is not met, there is no error.

Rule identifies that delete data page has frozen or locked datapoints and the study has "Modify Locked Datapoints" set to FALSE.

The delete action will occur if the datapoints are derivations. If they are NOT derivations, an error is issued.

Rule identifies delete data page has frozen or locked datapoints and the study has "Modify Locked Datapoints" set to TRUE.

The delete action will occur and no error is issued.






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