The system checks the following Syntax Rules when a Create Elements rule is created and the page is saved. An error message displays if a syntax rule does not meet requirements and the rule is not saved:
syntax rule for create action |
example |
The Target OID Path must have at least two elements. |
Folder/Form |
The first element in the Target OID Path cannot be OID:* |
Folder:* |
The first element in the Target OID Path cannot have a global variable. |
Folder:Lab (A) |
The Target OID Path cannot have a global variable element before a wildcard element. |
Folder:LAB (A)/Folder:LAB1(*) |
The last elements (Folder, Form or Repeat Number) in the Target OID Path cannot have wildcard '*' |
Folder:*, Form:*, Repeat Number (*) |
The following behavior holds true for a Create Elements rule:
Behavior |
Description |
Rule uses fully qualified path in create action |
Indicates use of drop down selection of [Subject]. A fully qualified path specifies the exact location in the hierarchy to the [Subject] and recreates the same hierarchy from the source to the target. [Subject] indicates the subject level or the root of the hierarchical path. |
Rule uses relative path in create action |
When [Subject] is not used, the first element of the path is matched against the existing subject hierarchy. If a match is found during migration, the rest of the path is created. |
Rule uses wildcard in create action |
The path up to the last wildcard is matched to all possible subject structures and if a match occurs, then the rest of the path is created. For example, in [Subject]:/Folder:*/Form:VISIT, everything before and including the wildcard '*' must exist for the path to be created. |
Rule uses no wildcard in create action |
Create path as specified. |
Rule uses unassigned global variable |
The system creates a new element and assigns the repeat number of that new element to the global variable. |
Rule is set to Create Full Hierarchy |
The system creates as many folders and form hierarchies as necessary to complete the full path in the hierarchy to the [Subject]. [Subject] indicates the subject level or the root of the hierarchical path. |
Rule is set to Create element Only if Parent Exists |
The system creates the last element of the path only if the last element's parent exists for the subject. |
Rule is set to Include Repeat Number in Folder Name |
The system displays the repeat number for newly created folders in EDC. |
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