Check Step
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After an edit check is created, check steps must be set up for the edit check. A check step is used to define the If portion of the edit check.

For example, for a given data point (field), a query must automatically generate every time a person responds Female to the question, What is the gender of the subject?


If the subject is female, then create a query that asks....


The check step must configure the first part of the statement,


If the subject is female...


Therefore, an edit check with three separate check steps must be created and organized according to the Post Fix Notation logic, specifically:



To add check steps to Edit Checks


  1. Navigate to Architect > Project > Draft > Edit Checks.

  2. Select an edit check and click   to add check steps.

The Edit Checks page displays links to add a check step or check action.

  1. Click Add Check Step link.

Fields to add a new check step appears.



  1. Select Check Step type from the dropdown.

The available check steps are:


As Check steps are added, the system validates the syntax of the Edit check.  An Invalid Edit Check message displays when the syntax is incorrect.  If the check step is configured correctly, the system displays the check steps in natural language (InFix).

If you select an Edit Check Step of Type Data Value, the following information must be completed for the check step:


Note: When setting an edit check for a singly occurring form in conjunction with a form occurring multiple times within the same folder, the variable's Form Repeat Number, pointing to a form that occurs only once must be set to 0 (zero) and for the form occurring multiple times, it must be left blank (or *).  This is to ensure that if a form occurs multiple times, the edit check must run for every instance the form occurs.



Note: When setting an edit check for a singly occurring folder in conjunction with a folder occurring multiple times within the same parent folder, the variable's Folder Repeat Number, pointing to a folder that occurs only once must be set to 0 (zero) and for the folder occurring multiple times, it must be left blank (or *).  This is to ensure that if a folder occurs multiple times, the edit check must run for every instance the folder occurs.


  1.         The following settings are available for Logical Record Position:


      • None - the system bypasses the Logical Record Position

      • Max by Subject

      • Max by Instance

      • Max by DataPage

      • Last

      • Next

      • Previous

      • First

      • Min by Subject

      • Min by Instance

      • Min by Datapage


Select an option from the available Logical Record Positions in the dropdown:


      • None - the system bypasses the logical Record Position

      • Max

      • Min

      • First

      • Last

      • Previous

      • Next



      • Form

      • Folder

      • Subject



      • Record Date

      • CRF Location



Select an option from the available data value types in the dropdown:



See Related Topics for more information on Data Value types and when they should be utilized.


Note: If only a variable is specified, the edit check is triggered for all occurrences of the variable in the study.  If folder, form, field, or record position is specified, then the edit check is triggered for the selected field.


For information on LRP, see Logical Record Position.


If Logical Record Position is used for a log and a record date has been set for the log form, the system uses the record date for the Record Position.


        If you select a Check Step of Type Constant, the Constant is associated with the following:


      • Value

      • Format


       The following formats are allowed:


      • $ Followed by a number to accept strings of length the number was entered

      • dd MMM yyyy to apply date format to a field

      • x.x where x is the number value of numbers to be accepted before and after the decimal in a field

Note: The format that you specify for a constant must match the format of the variable that it is being compared to.

If you select a Check Step of Type Check Function, the Check Function is associated with any one of many Check Functions.


For more information see Checks Steps of type Check Function.

If you select a Check Step of Type Custom Function, the Custom Function is associated with the following:


      • Name

      • Input

  1. Click Edit to edit a check step.

  1. Check Delete and click Update to delete the check step.

  2. A new check step by default is added to the bottom of the other steps. To reposition the step to a target location, select a step and click the move icon .

A drop down list will appear where you can select the step position: Top, Bottom, Above a Step, Below a Step.

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