Architect Permissions
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Architect security enables a system administrator to control which projects and global library volumes a user may access, and what privileges that user has within those environments.  Permissions are granted to individual users, or to new objects called Security Groups.  A user registered into one or more of these security groups inherits all the privileges assigned to those security groups.


The administrator defines the following security configurations in the Configuration module:



Similarly, a user administrator can set up the following user security in the User Administration module:



If a user is assigned to an Architect Project or Global Library Role that has no permissions set or if the user is assigned directly or indirectly through a security group to an only role in the group that has no permissions set, the system will deny the user access to the Architect Projects and Global Library Volumes and display an error message.


Based on permissions that are granted to the user's Architect Group (s), certain features in Architect will not be available to users.  To learn more about the user's Project and Global Library Volume permissions, see Related Topics.



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